Point Rewards Debit Card Review (Best Debit 2021)

Recently, my wife, Bailey, and I got a new debit card and I’ve been really impressed so far. It’s called the Point Debit Card and it’s different than any other debit card I’ve ever had because it provides more benefits and protections than any other debit card I’ve had. Let me break it down! WhyContinue reading “Point Rewards Debit Card Review (Best Debit 2021)”

8 Ways to Save Hundreds Per Month on Everyday Expenses

With all of the blog posts I’ve written about paying off debt, saving and investing, I wanted to give you some practical ways to reduce your expenses now. Like right after reading this blog post. There are some incredibly simple things that you can do in your everyday life to save money! Here are 8Continue reading “8 Ways to Save Hundreds Per Month on Everyday Expenses”

Why Your Money Keeps Disappearing (Parkinson’s Law)

Have you ever looked at your bank account and asked yourself “Oh my word, where did my money go?” Have you ever been given a project with a deadline, then used that whole time to complete the project? These two circumstances are connected by a phenomenon called Parkinson’s Law and it applies to anything from time managementContinue reading “Why Your Money Keeps Disappearing (Parkinson’s Law)”

Dividend Stocks Explained

In the last several years, the internet has been inundated with articles and videos about passive income. Many promising wealth through scammy and sketchy means. Unlike those, we’re going to cover one of the simplest forms of building passive income there is: dividend investing. First, let’s break down investing into two categories. There are stocksContinue reading “Dividend Stocks Explained”

What Banks Don’t Tell You About The Difference Between APR and APY

Imagine a world where banks were fully transparent with you. Sounds nice, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, there are many tactics banks use to make parts of their business look better than they are. Specifically when it comes to APR and APY. Well today we’re going to get the difference between APR and APY. I’ll explain to youContinue reading “What Banks Don’t Tell You About The Difference Between APR and APY”

3 Tips for Handling Money as a Couple in 2021

Recently we talked about combining finances with a spouse after marriage. Today, we look at the day to day handling of money in a relationship. We all know that doing things as a couple can be more challenging than doing them as a single person. But they can be more rewarding as well. Finances is one of thoseContinue reading “3 Tips for Handling Money as a Couple in 2021”

Meet the Millennials Who BUILT and PAID OFF Their Home

I recently interviewed some friends who paid off their house early! I wanted to understand why they did it and lay it out for you all here. Meet Garrett and Maddy, 26 and 25 year old millennials who built their own house and paid it off within 5 years! You can watch the full interviewContinue reading “Meet the Millennials Who BUILT and PAID OFF Their Home”

Financial Coaching: How It Works and Who Should Get It

What is a financial coach and how is it any different than a financial advisor? In this post, we’ll break it down. Then we’ll cover who should get financial coaching and how it works. Spoiler, I don’t think coaching is for everyone. I don’t even think it’s for everyone who has financial problems. Financial AdvisorContinue reading “Financial Coaching: How It Works and Who Should Get It”

What Economists Say About How To Use Stimulus Checks

Round three stimulus checks are coming! Is it economically irresponsible to not spend it? I mean, it is meant to stimulate the economy, right? What have we learned from the impact the last stimulus checks have had on our economy? What the Economists Say With the third round of stimulus checks being sent out, I’veContinue reading “What Economists Say About How To Use Stimulus Checks”

How to Find Your Net Worth and Why It Matters

People talk about “net worth” but how do you actually find it? In this post, we’re going to look at net worth and why it’s helpful. We’ll also look at its one major downside of net worth. Let’s start with the definition. Net Worth Definition Net worth is what you own minus what you owe,Continue reading “How to Find Your Net Worth and Why It Matters”