About Me

2018CalebBook-23.jpg.jpegThis blog is to aid students and young professionals in personal growth. Have you graduated from college (or are soon) and confused about what’s next? I’ve been there and I want to help!

My experience is that people my age are struggling with knowing what they want to do long term and how they can impact the world. Much of this stems from personal growth. I am actively pursuing personal growth in my life. What I learn, I will pass on to you in my blog posts.

What do I have to say about all of this? I’m where you’re at and learning what you want to learn. See, in 2017, I graduated from THE Ohio State University (some people say the emphasis is obnoxious, but I say it’s necessary) with a Bachelor’s degree in agricultural engineering. I got a job. I got married a month and a half later. Things have changed very quickly. This all stems from my rather drastic change from student to young, married professional.

Any way I can make these changes easier for you will be a win in my book (oh, I actually do have a book on this subject, by the way). 

A few other things about me:

I am married to my beautiful wife, Bailey. She rolls her eyes a lot at my dad-level jokes. What can I say, I like puns.

I have a small business called Hearthstone Films which is pretty cool. I love filmmaking and creatively influencing the way people think through media.

I like drones! Who am I trying to kid? I love drones. I use them for my business but if I’m being honest, the business is probably more of an excuse to get more drones. I don’t know what Bailey thinks of that excuse.

I’m also a Christ-follower, actively growing in my faith. In the past, I have blogged about what I learn at The Buckeye Beacon. Many of my posts here will be faith-based because being a Christ-follower isn’t something I do part time. It’s part of my everyday life (at least I try to make it be) and thus my personal growth involves spiritual growth as well.

I’m looking forward to doing growth alongside of you and passing along what I learn! Subscribe so you can stay up to date on my blog posts!